Services We're
Proud Of.
We strive to cultivate new ideas on how we can best meet the needs of the people we serve. Currently, our focus is on children, home bound seniors, people with transportation issues and homelessness and we are always churning on other ways we can help.

Food Pickup

We offer on-site food pickup appointments Monday - Wednesday for eligible Augusta and Manchester residents.​
Thursday mornings all are welcome - regardless of income level or place of residence. No appointment necessary.
KidsPak Program

We provide a KidsPak to every Augusta area school aged child throughout the year. Each Pak includes shelf stable kid favorites.​We distribute an average of 350 per month.
Home Delivery

Once a month, we deliver food to folks that struggle to get out of their home due to medical conditions or physical limitations. We serve an average of 30 Home Bound Individuals each month.
Food Share Program

When we have extra, we share it. Once we establish extras, we offer them to various organizations within the community. This outreach program has given us the opportunity to feed over 1,000 extra people a month.
Some of the establishments include the LINC Center, Capital Clubhouse, the Augusta Teen Center, Teen Challenge, Roncalli Apartments, Chateau Cushnoc, The Margaret Chase Smith House, Kennebec Plaza, Cabin in the Woods, surrounding food pantries, and many of the community dinners hosted by local churches and congregations.
Volunteer Program

We offer volunteerism to three different day programs that support adults with intellectual disabilities. They include the Goodwill Lifeworks Program, Gallant Therapy, and Creative Works.
Each week, these groups volunteer in the morning and break down bulk items for us like sugar, flour, rice, eggs, coffee and more.
Volunteer opportunities like this provide job skills, confidence, social interaction, independence and more.